
Addiction is treatable.


For every chronic condition, the first step toward disease control and enjoying life is to pursue the best care. This is same to addiction. Evidence has found that most patients require at least three months of therapy to substantially address, decrease or avoid their opioid use.

The better effects are consistent with longer durations of committed treatment. The perspective of a person with opioid use disorder is unique, but treatment programs are most effective and adapted to specific needs.

People will and do heal from addiction each single day with the proper addiction treatment. America’s care system for alcohol is inconsistent and ambiguous. But the report is explicit about what actually helps to manage dependence.

When you compare and contrast drug care services and providers, learning what to look for is increasingly important. To direct you, use the details below.

Withdrawal management

Treatment requires an initial phase of abstinence control for certain cases of opioid use problems, also referred to as ‘detoxifying,’ in which the clinical effects of withdrawal are safely controlled. This may take place at an inpatient recovery center or under the supervision of a licensed practitioner, at an outpatient program.

For people who are addicted to alcohol, heroin, or benzodiazepines, trying to leave a drug ‘cold turkey’ can be harmful or even catastrophic. Medically-supervised monitoring of withdrawals must be part of the recovery strategy for addiction.

Therapy and counseling

Therapy allows people to cope with past stress, to develop healthier ways of healing, to strengthen interpersonal and family relationships, and to devote themselves to lasting rehabilitation.

Since depression and mental health problems sometimes go hand in hand, a very important aspect of the recovery process is medication and intervention.

Medications for ongoing addiction treatment

Evidence indicates that certain opioid use problems are better treated by longer-term use of drugs, in addition to using medications to treat withdrawal. Addiction drugs approved by the FDA have been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of overdose and promote good long-term treatment. In order to combat alcohol and substance use problems, there are many highly beneficial drugs that can be used.

Talk to someone who understands

For people and families with mental health and/or opioid use problems, United Recovery Project maintains a nationwide helpline. This helpline runs 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. It is free, confidential, and accessible.

To read more about our helpline and addiction treatment services, click here or dial us directly. At URP, we offer a range of precisely targeted medication to help curb addiction problems including offers on buprenorphine, one of the most common therapies for opioid use disorder.

How United Recovery Project is working to change the treatment environment in America

Concrete goals. Tangible results. By bringing more Americans into successful care for alcohol, URP is helping to save lives. For now, here’s what we are focused on.

Educating health care providers to crack the deadly barrier and optimize care

Among health workers in most facilities, negative views of people with drug use disorders are all too prevalent. Such behaviors lead directly to bad treatment. At United Recovery Project, we have studied this dilemma with a view to solving it making our facilities the most important environment for your loved ones.

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