
TPMS Sensor Corrosion: 4 Tips to Avoid a Snapped Stem

TPMS Sensor Corrosion

If you have a car that uses TPMS sensors, then you know the importance of keeping them in good condition. These sensors are responsible for monitoring the air pressure in your tires, and if they’re not working properly, it can lead to some serious safety issues. You also know that these sensors are expensive, and replacing them can be a real pain. To avoid this, take a look at these four tips to help prevent TPMS sensor corrosion.

1. Check Your Tires Regularly

The first step in preventing TPMS sensor corrosion is to check your tires regularly. This includes both the pressure and the tread depth. Checking the pressure is important because it can help you identify any potential issues early on. If you notice that your tires are losing pressure, then you need to take action to fix the problem. A professional also has the TPMS valve service kit that helps to keep the sensor in good condition and also helps to avoid any future issues.

2. Keep Your Tires Clean

Another important tip is to keep your tires clean. This means both the outside and the inside. If you live in an area with a lot of road salt, then you need to be extra vigilant about cleaning your tires. Salt can cause the metal on your sensors to corrode, and it can also lead to the build-up of dirt and grime. To clean your tires, use a brush or hose to remove any dirt or debris. You can also use a tire cleaner that’s specifically designed for this purpose.

3. Inspect Your Sensors Regularly

In addition to checking your tires, you should also inspect your TPMS sensors on a regular basis. This means looking for any signs of corrosion or damage. If you notice anything that doesn’t look right, then it’s best to replace the sensor immediately. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the battery life of your sensors. Most sensors will last for several years, but if you notice that the battery is getting low, then you should replace it.

4. Replace Valve Caps

One of the most common causes of TPMS sensor damage is damaged valve caps. Over time, the rubber on these caps can degrade, and this can cause them to leak. If you notice that your valve caps are damaged, then it’s best to replace them as soon as possible. You can find good quality TPMS caps at most auto parts stores that will last for many years. Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive, so there’s no reason not to replace them.

To Conclude

By following these four tips, you can help prevent TPMS sensor corrosion and damage. This will save you money in the long run, and it will also keep you and your passengers safe. So, don’t wait; start following these tips today!

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