
When Do You Need to Replace Your Brake Pads?


A vehicle’s entire braking system is dependent upon the brake pads and it is very necessary to keep them in working condition for the matter of safety. It is told that brake pads must be replaced after every 40,000 to 50,000 miles but it can differ depending on how you drive. But as the brake pads get older, they certainly start developing issues and you must keep a note of them to make the repair easier. Here are some warning signs:

Squeaking sounds from brakes

When squeaking or squealing sounds start coming out from the brakes, you must understand that they are heading towards the end of their life. The sounds come from excessive wearing down of the pads. The grinding noises follow these sounds and if they are not taken care of, the rotors will get damaged eventually.

Grinding when braking

If the brakes reveal grinding noises on applying pressure on the pedal, replace the brake pads as soon as possible. There are built-in metal wear indicators present within them that make loud noises and alert you about the replacements.

Vibration while braking

Your brakes also need professional attention when they start vibrating once you pull them. There are high chances that the rotors are warped and uneven wearing is created at the same time.

Lower brake effectiveness

Your brakes also needed to be checked when the car does not stop even when the brakes are pulled. If there is an increase in stoppage time, it means your brake pads might have completely worn down and the brake fluid is also low. Get a mechanic sooner to understand the real issue and address it instantly.

The brake pad indicator light is on

Most modern vehicles now have brake warning lights that appear on your dashboard. This light is present just beside the Antilock Braking System (ABS) light. This turns on when your brake needs emergency assistance. Try understanding the issues with the help of consulting mechanics.

Brake pads thin out

The best way to understand the condition of your brakes is by inspecting them visually and check for wear and tear. You can do this by looking between the wheel spokes and check if they appear lesser than ¼ inch. If lesser, opt for newer pads.

Replace your old set of brake pads with Cross Drilled Rotors brake pads today for better performance and durability.

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